Sunday, April 24, 2005

how did the dream...

become this?

Guest Blogger "Shane" reviews Ghosts latest show:

Shane crystalized the Ghosts experience at Earth Day in just a few sentences. Damn but he is good...

"I don't know about the April Fool's Day gig, but the EarthFest show was a sublime experience. The Ghosts played a rousing set that stopped the crowd dead in their tracks. Their set perfectly crystalized the concerns that we have of Mother Earth's plight. In other words: The Ghosts Know Green. They have an uncanny ability to empathize and immediately bond with their audience. I know that their next gig at the Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Festival will be just as powerful. The Ghosts will, for at least one night, be Gay, Lesbian, or Transgendered."

Posted by Shane to the Ghosts-Rawk and or Roll at 4/24/2005 10:41:09 AM