Monday, September 20, 2004

The Ghosts torture yet another unsuspecting audience

We played with Southern Culture on the Skids the other night...

powerful show...yo feel this.

we introduced a new "member" of the band--Dick Chinney

will include photos soon....

Southern Culture on the Skids was very hungover during the sound check...or so it appeared. the girl in the band threw a star fit that any bush league alterna-rawker would be proud of. A lot of cussing and liberal use of the word Nazi was necessary to be sure she had a good mix from her 'lil monitor.

They also had these gift bags with their names on them backstage and all this kooky stuff that we will never get because we suck too bad to deserve even a gift bag...sigh...

but enough about them...

we messed up several songs. The most impressive screw-up was when I stopped one verse short during a newer song and then stared at the other guys in the band like they were crazy as they kept going...

But Dick Chinney came out and promptly diverted everyones attention.

The Peeps at Blue Cat's were very nice to us even after we expanded our backstage area to include the upstairs and had to be escorted out of there with flashlights...

We will be rawking again this friday the 24th at Manhattans

we will not be rehearsing before this gig so please if you attend drink a lot and be patient...


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